Thursday, September 30, 2010

Misty Morning

So one day this week I missed a great opportunity to make some pictures-fog rising from the Black River-steam lifting off frost covered round bales....just a beautiful start to a fall day.  My second chance came a day or so later and I pulled over in the car, pulled out the camera and pressed the shutter.  Back in the classroom, my students are also creating photo blogs, (which is going really well) and I was anxious to post new work.  As happens so many times, what the eye sees and mind remembers is not always what the camera harshly records. So off to work and bring back some color, some "feeling" back into those shots.  Here are a couple I remember when I took the photos.
Morning Light on Hwy B
Neillsville Westside

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Continued...

I should have never looked at Jim Brandenburg's ( site last week.  I was using it to discuss different elements of composition in my HS class and of course spent quite a bit of time myself looking at his work.  I've always loved his photography.  But, his images of fall just killed me-especially his panaramas of colors in the forest.  So I have those images in my head as I walk around and get frustrated that I can't find that picture myself.  Maybe that is the struggle a photographer has, and that's okay.  Yesterday I headed down to the road with the pups and the light was just great.  I shot a ton of pictures of the light thru the trees, but really wasn't thrilled with anything.  Besides, it's always good to take pictures of your dogs, so I did that instead.  Well......also some of the full moon and a couple feeble attempts of the trees too.
Molly & Ruger with Rainbow Flare
Self Portrait with Old Oak

Saturday, September 25, 2010

2010 Flood 28 years of living in the Neillsville area, I've only seen water like this once, the Fathers Day flood back in '93.  School was let out early Thursday and called off Friday.  Roads, even county hiways were closed because they were covered with water, or washed out.  Of all the water, the Black River was amazing-just the sheer power of it, and you really need to be standing near and listen to and feel it.  My camera did not do it all justice.
The Black River south of Lake Arbutus.
The Black River south of the Cty Hwy K Bridge
The Snyder Lake Dam, Wedges Creek

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall Colour?

My plan was to drive down to Levis to ride after work.  Such plans.  The color was so bright along the road and I couldn't help but pull over several times to take some pictures.  The further I drove, the more I knew my plans had changed-oh, I'd ride alright, but the big camera was coming along and the focus of the ride was now images.  Way to the west of Levis and Trow Mounds is an old RR line that used to run to Merrillian and it crosses a couple old tamarack bogs.  I had an idea of the picture I wanted-a lone birch, full of yellow, surrounded by the bog and green and marsh grass.  Such plans...again.  Storms were approaching, sky building up, and even though there were a few pictures along the way, none what I had in my minds eye.  So I passed these two spots on the way out,and since I had to ride all the way back, and past them again, they caught my eye-their starkness, the line, the texture.  Not a pretty "fall scene" but something made me hop of the bike, pull the camera in front and push the shutter.

Something Doug said this summer seemed to bounce around in my head-I can make pictures for myself-what I like.  Maybe others along the way will like them too......
Old Jack pine-Clark County

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Today I had taken a long hike with Ruger out on the land, grabbed my camera on the way out.  I love fall, and there should be so much to make pictures of, but on this day, I wasn't seeing them.  This fallen log was nothing earth shattering, but sometime during the summer the old butternut had hit the ground and now mostly ash leaves had settled down and found a resting place on it.  I'm not sure why I stopped, but I liked how the leaves were randomly scattered by the wind here.  Not all of we feel in the fall is bright red and orange color, sometimes it's more subtle.  We're about to move into a new season and maybe that is what I was feeling with these modest players of Autumn.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dirt Riding

Just needed to squeeze a ride in between going out hunting for Miatake Mushrooms and cooking during the packer Game.  A quick ride thru Snyder Park and out on the dirt logging roads of the county forest worked for me.  It's pretty hard to shoot anything good with the camera while riding, but I just love this time of year, cool and colorful and had to show it somehow-I always connect with this kind of thing.
The Superfly on Dirt Two Track

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Homecoming Parade

Each Homecoming Friday, the students get out early for the parade-of course, this also means during the day, there is much anticipation, facepainting, dress up and general escalating of voices and activity in the classroom.  Tiring day for the teachers to keep the lid on and teach!  But the parade does provide an opportunity  to make some fun photographs and the younger kids are really excited.  Time for the long lens and patrolling up and down the street looking for images.  Of course, every kid wants their picture taken, but those usually are not as interesting, but I do anyway.   These are a few that were fun for me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


It was so damn quiet at Levis yesterday-I was working setting the course for our CC meet and all these leftover feelings of the Gnomefest weekend still echoed out on the trail.  Crazy, fun, crazier, laughter, tire sound treading the trails, more laughter, whirl of free hubs and conversation, all sounds that are built in at Gnomefest and once I have now come to look forward to.  I have no clue where Gomez (Gary Lake) came up with the name or how it came to be, but I do know this 7th addition was just a blast.  For me, as trail stewart, it's a chance to see tons of bikes and rider out on my handiwork-all those hot buggy hours during the summer, pay off when you're told how much fun the trail is to ride. I'll accept that complement any day.
My photography took a little bit of a back seat to riding, but there is something there at anytime ready to be made into a picture.  Here are a few-I know there will be tons up on Flickr as well from myself and other Gnomefesters.
Returning nightriders
Settin Up Bike Camp
Derby on Trow Trail
The Acorn power of the Mighty Oak

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Doug Beasley

Loved watching this program on Doug. Sometimes I need reminding of the reason we make pictures.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day

First day of school. 2010-2011. Excitement, nervousness, anxiety, crying (kids and parents!) and just ready to dive in and see what the year ahead brings.  Before heading to my classroom, I did a little photo walk around the building to see everyone revvved up and ready to go.
Class of 2022

First grade artists
Mr. O'Leary's 5th Grade- Class of 2018
Creating her Portfolio-Day 1 Art Class

Smith: Tracking surveys remain critical part of DNR's gray wolf population estimate in Wisconsin

  Smith: Tracking surveys remain critical part of DNR's gray wolf population estimate in Wisconsin Tracking surveys by DN...