My plan was to drive down to Levis to ride after work. Such plans. The color was so bright along the road and I couldn't help but pull over several times to take some pictures. The further I drove, the more I knew my plans had changed-oh, I'd ride alright, but the big camera was coming along and the focus of the ride was now images. Way to the west of Levis and Trow Mounds is an old RR line that used to run to Merrillian and it crosses a couple old tamarack bogs. I had an idea of the picture I wanted-a lone birch, full of yellow, surrounded by the bog and green and marsh grass. Such plans...again. Storms were approaching, sky building up, and even though there were a few pictures along the way, none what I had in my minds eye. So I passed these two spots on the way out,and since I had to ride all the way back, and past them again, they caught my eye-their starkness, the line, the texture. Not a pretty "fall scene" but something made me hop of the bike, pull the camera in front and push the shutter.
Something Doug said this summer seemed to bounce around in my head-I
can make pictures for myself-what I like. Maybe others along the way will like them too......
Old Jack pine-Clark County |