Monday, March 30, 2020

A Country Walk

I'd hoped to find something...anything to make pictures of today-I mean, the sun was finally out after 3 days of constant rain, mist, cold wind and dreary news.   I needed something to clear the sky out and bring back a breath of fresh air.  Mudders donned and a happy lab charging out the door, I headed out with the iphone 11pro-my go to camera for knocking around. (I'm finding it quite capable).

A lot of ground wasn't covered, but then again, it's about what you see, not how much you look at.  The stone house was covered pretty well, so I moved onto the old rust scattered around nearby.  Then onto the Reed Farm for one small picture and one from Cliff's farm next door.

 No masterpieces here, just a diary of the 'hood.  Sometimes you just gotta press that shutter the first time and let 'em keep coming.

Kleine Farbe


  1. And what took you so long so post again???? :-)

  2. Don't know, but it feels right to be on it again.


Smith: Tracking surveys remain critical part of DNR's gray wolf population estimate in Wisconsin

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